FHFA opens applications for affordable housing committee

Advisory committee will provide input to FHFA director on housing finance-related issues

FHFA opens applications for affordable housing committee

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has opened membership applications for its Federal Advisory Committee on Affordable, Equitable, and Sustainable Housing.

FHFA said it is looking for a broad range of experts and stakeholders to serve on its advisory committee, which will provide input on any regulatory or policy changes regarding affordable, equitable, and sustainable housing.

Topics range from fair lending, fair housing, and civil rights, to capital markets, investments, single- and multifamily lending, community advocacy, low-income housing tax credits, research, and more. FHFA noted that the committee will have no decision-making authority.

“Broad stakeholder engagement leads to better policy that positively impacts housing affordability and access in communities across the country,” said FHFA director Sandra Thompson. “I look forward to hearing recommendations from the new advisory committee that will be representative of diverse communities, points of view, organizational sizes, and geographic locations.”

New members of the advisory committee will serve for a two-year term, according to FHFA’s news release.  Applications are open until October 13.

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