EXIT Realty Names Susan Ebert Pacific West Divisional President

New leadership team formed to support company’s aggressive growth


Woburn, MA – EXIT Realty Corp. International announced yesterday the appointment of five Divisional Presidents to aid in the company's aggressive regional growth. Named to the position of President of the Pacific West Division (comprising Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska and Hawaii) was Susan Ebert, award-winning Franchisee of EXIT Twin Advantage Realty in Murrieta, California.


Ebert opened EXIT Twin Advantage Realty in December of 2005 and became the #1 EXIT Realty Franchise in Southern California. Ebert is community-minded and considers her agents as family. "I am nothing without the team who is my family and the wind beneath my wings,” she said.  “I know who deserves all the credit for these achievements and it is the agents who sacrifice and work together to bring integrity to our community of REALTORS®. I’m looking forward to serving the Agents, Brokers and Regional Owners in the Pacific West Division.” 


Ebert is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, the Southwest Riverside County Association of REALTORS® and Professional Women in Business. She is a regular participant in charity events like Wishes for Children, those benefitting children’s hospitals, and adopt-a-family programs through the Salvation Army.


"Susan has been an Agent and a Broker/Owner and she is both a connector and a communicator,” said Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty Corp. International. “I am excited that she will play such a key role in EXIT’s aggressive growth plans.”