A rant about biased lending stirred the originator pot

Did Hillary Clinton insinuate originators are bigots? Our readers weigh in

Did Hillary Clinton insinuate originators are bigots? Our readers weigh in.

“This is a very dangerous lie/fraud from Clinton,” one reader wrote in response to an article about Hillary Clinton’s criticism of the mortgage lending industry. “This ‘everyone is a victim’ she has going on is really not ‘presidential.'"

During a recent town hall meeting, an audience member asked Clinton what her administration would do to ease fears of another housing crash.

“For many … achieving home ownership is synonymous to achieving the American dream. Yet many of our families were hit particularly hard during the great recession and housing bust,” the man said. “What would a Clinton Administration do to ease the fears of homeownership among our community?”

Clinton skirted the question and instead accused the lending industry of being racially biased.

“You know, you are three times more likely to be able to get a mortgage if you are a white applicant than if you’re Black or Hispanic – even if you have the same credentials and you’re presenting it to the people who are looking at it.”

And while many have been critical of Hillary’s response, some readers have commented in her defense.

“Clinton is right. Banks have had to pay huge sums of money for discrimination in lending. The truth is bitter,” a reader wrote. “She is right on the money.”

Still, there were many originators who stood up for the industry – pointing to the fact that all borrowers, regardless of race, face more hurdles today attaining a mortgage than they would have in previous years.

“His feeling of jumping through hoops is common in all the races, sexual orientations, and ages of the people applying for a mortgage in the Dodd-Frank area,” one MPA reader wrote. “This is an environment that Clinton was a big participant in making a reality in her support of Dodd-Frank; which by her statement was intended to create discrimination.”