We all understand how important it is to be honest with our customers. But our businesses can’t improve if we’re not also honest with ourselves

Part V. I am looking to enter the industry. What are the advantages of working in this industry and how do I know I will be successful? I do have a background in sales.
--Ben from Nevada
We end this series with the introduction of the most important trait someone will need to have to be successful as a loan officer. This trait is not something usually covered in business assessments. What is this trait? It is "internal honesty." We all understand how important it is to be ethical because of the importance of the industry we serve. However, with internal honesty, we are actually describing your quotient of being honest with yourself.
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Those who are successful play to their strengths and improve their weaknesses. However, if you are not honest with yourself as to where you need to improve, that improvement will never occur. For example, most will say that a great attitude is essential for success in loan origination. And we would agree. However, if you don't admit that you need to improve your attitude, it will never become great. How many people do you know who have bad attitudes and won't admit that they have bad attitudes? The ability to see yourself in the mirror is key. The fact that you are lacking a trait for success is definitely an issue, but the inability to overcome that weakness can completely cut off your path to success.
Are you serious about entering this industry, mentoring those who are coming in, or improving your own results? For more information concerning success training for new loan officers, click here.
--Dave Hershman
Dave Hershman has been the leading author and a top speaker for the industry for decades with six books authored and hundreds of articles published. His website is www.originationpro.com. If you have a reaction to this commentary or another question you would like answered in this column? Email Dave directly at [email protected].