How can loan officers meet their goals?

Setting goals isn't all about the end numbers. It's about how you intend to get from here to there

How can loan officers meet their goals?

It looks like I will not meet my goals for this year. Though I did okay, I never seem to surpass my goals. What can I change to make 2016 different?
--Eduardo from California

I have to say that I can't analyze your performance properly without knowing more about your goals and what you did to meet them (or did not do). Thus, I will not be able to answer your question specifically. But, because we are coming upon the end of the year, touching upon the topic of goals is a good idea. It is time to start planning for next year now instead of waiting for January. I guess that is my first point – start planning now and the fact that you are assessing your results now is a good start from your vantage point.

Next, we need to understand two major points. First, where you place your goals is important. Perhaps you are setting goals that are unrealistic. If you made $50,000 last year and wanted to make $150,000 this year, unless there is a major change in circumstances such as you went from part-time to full-time, it is not likely to happen. Your goals should make you stretch, but should not be unrealistic. Secondly, you need to understand that the goals you set for your actions are as important as the end game. Setting goals is not all about the end numbers. It is also about how you intend to get there. In this case, the devil is in the details. With no path to success, goal setting with the numbers can be a worthless exercise.
--Dave Hershman

Dave Hershman has been the leading author and a top speaker for the industry for decades with six books authored and hundreds of articles published. His website is If you have a reaction to this commentary or another question you would like answered in this column? Email Dave directly at [email protected].