One standout feature of the new offering is designed to help landlords optimise cash flow

Buckinghamshire Building Society has launched a new limited company buy-to-let product range, available from today, January 14.
The move marks the mutual’s entry into the growing market, aimed at supporting landlords, including expatriate investors and those managing holiday lets.
The product suite includes a five-year fixed rate at 5.49% for limited company BTL borrowers, available up to 80% loan-to-value (LTV). Limited company expat BTL borrowers can access a three-year fixed rate at 6.09% up to 75% LTV, while limited company expat holiday let clients have a two-year discounted rate at 6.09% up to 75% LTV. Limited company holiday let borrowers are offered a two-year fixed rate at 5.79% up to 75% LTV.
The range accommodates day-one special purpose vehicles (SPVs), first-time buyers, and first-time landlords. All products come with a flat fee of £1,195.
One standout feature of the new offering is a 125% interest coverage ratio (ICR) for limited company applicants, designed to help landlords optimise cash flow. The building society, however, said its focus is on lending for individual properties rather than portfolios.
“We’ve been carefully considering the launch of a limited company product range for some time, as we’ve observed a growing trend of landlords incorporating their portfolios in response to changes in tax regulations,” said Claire Askham (pictured), head of mortgage sales at Buckinghamshire Building Society.
“This new range, which includes products for standard and expat buy-to-let as well as holiday let, allows us to provide focused support for these landlords while offering brokers a clear and compelling solution for their clients.
“We’re always actively reviewing our criteria to ensure we meet the evolving needs of landlords across the market. It’s about recognising a market shift and equipping brokers with the right tools to stay ahead.”
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