SimplyBiz Mortgages launches Twitter ‘elevator pitch’ campaign

SimplyBiz Mortgages has launched a Twitter campaign, which sees its panel lenders, GI providers and ancillary partners delivering an ‘elevator pitch’ video on their services.

SimplyBiz Mortgages launches Twitter ‘elevator pitch’ campaign

SimplyBiz Mortgages has launched a Twitter campaign, which sees its panel lenders, GI providers and ancillary partners delivering an ‘elevator pitch’ video on their services.

These videos will be issued daily via their Twitter feed (@SimplyBiz_Mtgs) to help its members get a quick 10-20 second snapshot of their propositions.

Martin Reynolds, chief executive of SimplyBiz Mortgages, said: “We thought that it was time to have a bit of fun whilst also providing useful information to our members. We hear the phrase “what’s your elevator pitch” used a lot, but then we never see one.

“We thought it would be fun to see what all our partners thought theirs was. We haven’t asked for flashy corporate videos, but real clips of staff talking about their proposition.

“The results are informative and entertaining and we are sure members will take them in the spirit they have been recorded. Ultimately, there is the serious aspect of ensuring members know what our partners can offer them.”