Swift enhances online system

The tracking system allows intermediaries to check which items are outstanding on any of their cases. Brokers are also shown who is responsible for supplying the items on the case-tracking checklist.

As part of its security procedures Swift accredited intermediaries are provided with password protection so they only have access to their cases. The system has further eliminated the security risk by limiting the amount of information that is supplied at any one time to the user.

As part of the checklist, intermediarie are also provided with contact details for the underwriter and confirmation of when stages of the application are completed, including when an underwriter had last seen the case.

Zena Campbell, sales manager at Swift, said the online enhancements had been made following broker feedback: “As we only do business through intermediaries we asked them what they wanted, and they said a checklist was needed,” she said. She confirmed Swift had more developments planned for its website to enhance its online propositions for the first and second charge mortgage market.

However, Kim Barrett, proprietor at KS Barrett & Associates, was not as positive, and believed the system would be irrelevent for intermediaries that put their cases together correctly. He said: “I know exactly what is required from me and if the case is presented properly then there should be no need for a system such as this.”