S & P offer Tribune policyholders cover

Homeowners can either contact their existing agent to transfer the cover to Select & Protect or go to an existing S&P agent who will arrange the cover.

The contact telephone number for agents is 0845 3459650

The cover will be held for a minimum of 30 days while a full application form is processed and the premium quoted. Thereafter, the homeowner and agent can decide whether to maintain cover with S&P or not.

James Wallis a Director of Select & Protect commented,

“ We will process requests for cover as soon as an agent comes to us. If they are not an existing agent they will have to register but we have put staff on standby who will work all weekend to receive and process applications to be an agent and the cover for their clients.

Our existing agents will also be able to arrange cover for Tribune policyholders immediately.

There is no good time of year to have household cover lapse but coming up to Christmas has to be the worst. Together with our underwriters, Norwich Union we hope we can help a lot of the 40,000 people who are currently at risk and support those agents who had arranged cover through Tribune.”