Quarter of employees take stress leave

More than half (54%) of these workers hid the reason they weren’t at work from colleagues, as sufferers in the private sector worried that telling the truth could affect their job security.

Myles Rix, managing director of protection at LV=, said: “Many assume that mental illness will not affect them. However it is clear that stress and related mental health issues affect nearly a quarter of the UK’s working population, and millions of people are putting their health at risk by returning to work too early, often for financial reasons.

“A contingency plan such as income protection offers workers with severe mental health problems with a financial safety net which means they can focus on recovering without worrying about whether they can make ends meet.

“Income protection policies can provide more than just financial benefits. We work closely with mental health specialists to help our customers engage with approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy to help them recover and return to work.”

One in seven (16%) employees continued working after being diagnosed with stress and most (70%) went back to work early after suffering with workplace stress, commonly because they felt guilty (38%) or were worried what their colleagues might think (35%).