Pink's customers access non-conforming sourcing tool

The system, marketed by Pink’s subsidiary company BDS Mortgage Group, informs the broker of the products available if a case falls just outside of criteria. When a product is selected it also lists the ‘near misses’ which enables the adviser to have more flexibility in finding the correct product for the client.

Bob Hope, sales and marketing director at BDS Mortgage Group commented: "The system is web-based so it is updated online which ensures that the products are completely up to date. Speed is of the essence and cases are assessed within 2 hours of receipt when brokers can then request a full DIP - making it possible for them to attain an agreement from a lender in just a day!"

Neil Hoare, sales and marketing director at Pink Home Loans commented: “We are delighted to be able to offer our customers yet another option for sourcing products for their clients. The unique system can be quickly and easily installed from BDS’ website and it is completely free of charge.”