Omnosco releases list of half a million home movers

The file contains names and addresses of movers placing their home on the market or those looking to buy a property and is collated from over 1000 estate agencies across England and Wales. Information is then tracked through the development of the sale or purchase until they move into a new home.

Updated weekly, the file size is completely reliant on the position of the home moving market and allows the tracking of consumers in the home buying/selling market. This is crucial in order to keep up with the speed at which records are identified as gone-away.

The list contains an equal number of males and females, who tend to be married and have no children. The average income ranges between £16,000 - £30,000 per annum, through a range of occupations which are predominantly professional with a large proportion of manual workers and housewives.

Selections include first time buyers, house buyers or sellers, geographic, rentals, by value of property and by type of property (number of rooms/bathrooms, etc.). There is even an option to make selections based on recency of addition to the list 0-3 months, 3-6 months and 6 months plus.

DbG says the file will be of particular interest to financial and utilities marketers or any non-competing companies looking to target movers.