myhomemove joins AMI

myhomemove has also agreed to assist AMI and its members in an advisory capacity, as the legal landscape undergoes significant change and lenders have heightened sensitivity in the areas of fraud and financial crime.

As the industry body for mortgage intermediaries, AMI currently represents over 10,000 mortgage professionals, working to ensure their voices are heard by policymakers and regulators across the UK and Europe.

Dev Malle, group sales director of myhomemove, said: “We have long been aware of the excellent work undertaken by AMI in representing intermediary distribution in UK.

“Without their members we know that many home movers would struggle to navigate the often complicated mortgage market.”

“We’re delighted to become Affiliate Members of AMI, and we look forward to supporting their members with the legal side of mortgage transactions and conveyancing practice in general.”

Last year, myhomemove helped 38,000 people to buy or sell their homes; a 40% increase on its transactional volumes of 2012, cementing its position as the market leader in mover conveyancing.

By 2016 the company’s aim is complete 100,000 cases a year, a realistic target as the housing market continues to grow and myhomemove prepares to expand into new offices.

Robert Sinclair, chief executive of AMI, said: “myhomemove has been a thought leader since its inception over ten years ago.

“Its position with all the major mortgage networks and clubs highlights just how well respected the company is within the industry.

“myhomemove’s legal expertise alongside its commitment to risk management and fraud prevention, makes them well placed to be an affiliate member for AMI and give support to our members when necessary.”

“This partnership couldn’t come at a more opportune time, especially with the forthcoming implementation of the MMR, and the challenges that the EU Mortgage credit directive will bring.”