Mortgage Brain attacks Trigold over back-up system claim

Mark Lofthouse, chief executive at Mortgage Brain, voiced his concern after Mortgage Introducer exclusively revealed details of Trigold’s Auto Back-Up service last week. He said that Trigold was misleading brokers by claiming ‘another first in the mortgage market’.

Lofthouse said: “Local back-up and restore facilities have been offered on Mortgage Brain for years and the new service we offer not only enables a broker to back-up their Mortgage Brain and MTE files but extends to all other files stored on a remote computer. I am surprised that its back-up service is new for Trigold users.”

Mortgage Brain’s back-up service, in conjunction with offsite data back-up and storage provider Depositit, was extended on 27 July.

Bill Safran, chief executive at Trigold, maintained that it is the first integrated back-up service available to brokers. He said: “The difference is that Auto-Back-Up is a fully-integrated service rather than a referral service to Depositit as I believe Mortgage Brain’s is.

“After installation, the programme automatically identifies Trigold folders and updates them when the broker requests. The location of the folders and data is then uploaded into the Trigold facility.”

Lofthouse questioned the validity of Trigold’s assertion that Auto-Back Up is fully-integrated, pointing out the offer was in partnership with technology provider Clunk Click and said Mortgage Brain had also been approached by the firm.

Safran explained: “Trigold has worked extensively with Clunk Click and fully-integrated its software with ours. We took three months to design the process and proposition to make the whole back-up process easier for brokers.”