Mortgage ASSESS available online

The web-based mortgage ASSESS facility ( ) is available now, well in advance of the introduction of statutory regulation on 31st October 2004. It is intended to enable advisers (including MAQ and CeMAP holders), administrators, support staff, supervisors and managers to comply with the developing regulatory regime, to provide them with the tools they need to develop their knowledge and ability as mortgage advice professionals and to meet their ongoing competence needs.

Key features of mortgage ASSESS include:

- Knowledge assessment system: testing users knowledge levels and identifying gaps

- Tutorials/technical learning modules: covering eight key subject areas

- Key Facts: bullet point summaries of key learning points

- Robust management information system/company reporting

- Resource centre: offering a range of complementary learning and competence tools

- CPD recording for individuals

- T&C evidence reporting for companies.

Priced at only £95 per year, mortgage ASSESS will offer a comprehensive, co-ordinated range of training and compliance tools that will enhance users’ skill set and help keep them up to speed with regulatory requirements.