Infinity pursues own funding line

The lender, which launched in January of this year, believes it has now developed a strong enough market presence to develop its own independent funding line instead of running what has been up to now essentially a branded lending operation for Mortgages plc, who still retain a minority stake in Infinity.

Chris MacMahon, sales director at Infinity Mortgages, said: “We will be looking to start pulling in our own funding line in the first quarter of next year.

“The deal with Mortgages plc has certainly given us good leverage given the rather onerous requirements involved in securing our own line of funding.”

He refused to rule out the possibility that at some point in the future Infinity Mortgages would secure all of it’s funding individually.

MacMahon said the exact proportion of individually-acquired funding as opposed to Mortgages plc-acquired funding is yet to be decided.

Commenting on the development Rob Clifford, managing director of franchise operation Mortgageforce, said that the development of the lender showed there was still room for new lenders to make an impact in the market.

“When you are a small lender such as Infinity it is essential that you cater for a niche and deliver good service so as to differentiate yourself from other lenders for brokers,” he said.