How well are your lenders performing?

A chance for brokers to assess their lender partners' work

How well are your lenders performing?

Mortgage Introducer’s second annual 5-Star Lenders invites brokers to share insights into the services provided by lenders over the past year – what’s being done right and what can be improved.

To stay ahead in an incredibly competitive industry, lenders must ensure diversity in their funding and the products they offer. Valuable feedback from brokers can help them find the best path forward. 

As such, this survey is an opportunity for brokers to rate their lenders’ turnaround time, commission structure, product range and several other criteria.

Take the survey here before it closes on Friday, September 1.

The 5-Star Lenders 2023 report will be published on Mortgage Introducer’s website in November.

Mortgage Introducer is honoured to support reforestation with One Tree Planted as part of its commitment to sustainability. Each complete entry is equivalent to a tree that will be planted.