GMAC-RFC enhances POSD system

GMAC-RFC recently announced time and cost savings that its online system gave intermediaries (equating to an average £35,000 p.a.). However with these further enhancements, it believes intermediaries can save more time whilst simultaneously enjoying an improved user experience.

Currently more than 95% of applications receive a binding decision online and GMAC-RFC’s technological advances will create increased capacity. There are a number of developments that it hopes will both enhance the user experience and see more cases have an ‘accept’ decision returned.

Jeff Knight, head of marketing services said: “We know we have one of the best on-line systems in the market. But we can’t stand still and are continually developing our award winning system based on feedback from our customers – intermediaries. We have made a vast number of changes which will improve the overall user experience and ensure that even more cases receive a binding accept decision. And we won’t stop there as we will be making further enhancements in the future too, providing even more benefits to intermediaries.”