Future of Conveyancing roadshow launched

Future of Conveyancing roadshow launched

The Bold Legal Group has launched a series of roadshows to look at the future of conveyancing.

The Bold Legal Convey2030 Roadshow will focus on how technology is changing the way the industry works.

Sessions will include topics including cybercrime and money laundering, the value of using data feeds instead of static information and HMLR and new developments in the Digital Street programme.

Keynote speaker, Eddie Goldsmith, former chair of the Conveyancing Association and currently heading up the CA Proptech Project, said:“The pace of change in the conveyancing world through technology is there for all to see and accelerating at a frightening speed.

"Technology has opened up multiple new possibilities for conveyancing practitioners and there’s more change to come in future.

"At this stimulating half day event you’ll find out what’s here now, what’s on the horizon, and why you can’t ignore the technological revolution.

"How are we as conveyancers going to adapt in the brave new conveyancing world? Who is going to prosper and survive? And who will wither on the vine?

"I can see a bright future beckoning, but only to those who stop to think what options will be available to them. I would urge all conveyancers to come along and hear what the future will look like. Your future planning starts here..."

Rob Hailstone, CEO of the Bold Legal Group, added: "A recent report by ABC Finance produced after a freedom of information request to the UK Land Registry, indicates that the instances of property fraud are increasing, not decreasing.

"Property lawyers therefore need to be aware and prepared. Attending these roadshows will assist."

Other speakers include Rob Hailstone – Bold Legal Group, Jamie Winch – HMLR, Harvey Harding – PM Property Lawyers, Oliver Thornton-Berry – Thirdfort and Jennifer Williams – Lawyer Checker.

The half day events take place in Manchester on 12 September, Nottingham on 24 September and London on 9 October.