First MI forum a resounding success

Taking place in the Millennium Stadium, the forum included topics such as the evolution of technology and the changing face of the sub-prime market. It also included discussion around the opportunities and the causes for concern within the market, giving brokers the chance to grill lenders about their sub-prime strategies, while lenders got the opportunity to examine the future of the market, and their role in it.

The day included speeches by Kensington, db mortgages, Mortgage Times, GMAC-RFC and Goldsmith Williams.

After the recent turbulence felt within the sub-prime arena, the forums came at a perfect time to have a frank and open discussion about the market – a key issue likely to be examined in further depth at the next Sub-Prime and Technology Forum in Manchester, held on 2 October, and indeed at the final one held in London on 17 October.

Richard Lawes will be speaking about regulatory issues in the sub prime arena, particularly looking at financial promotions around sub prime business, at the Forum held in Manchester