Complete enquiries shoot up

During the last twelve months until October 2007, the packager and distributor received a surge in enquiries.

It attributes this increase imainly to two factors; mortgage desk and online service levels and the ever-changing market.

Complete believes the large rise in numbers of enquiries to almost 500 in October is further evidence of the increasingly vital role which packagers play in the mortgage broker market.

Tony Salentino, director of Complete, commented: “We are in unprecedented times where criteria and rate changes are occurring daily. A relationship with a strong packager is more vital than ever before.

"Apart from the expert knowledge that is provided by our experienced team we also offer a single application form accepted by over 30 lenders. This means there is not a need for another form to be completed if a deal needs to be re-placed. I hate to think how many re-written mortgage applications there may have been over the past few months by brokers who do not use packagers.

“Another initiative aimed at speeding the mortgage process has been our online enquiry. We have raised awareness of this facility through our Round Table events which have encouraged more brokers to use the system."

The number of full time staff on Complete’s mortgage desk has doubled in just a few months. This has enabled good management of the rapid growth in business. The mortgage desk is staffed by underwriters, with not only a wealth of experience in mortgage packaging, but also holding CeMap qualifications.

Tony Salentino concluded “We have a maximum guaranteed turnaround time of 4 hours for online enquires, although in reality we often achieve faster responses. We are delighted that our enhanced mortgage desk resource has enabled us to maintain these service standards. We believe this gives brokers a vital service edge in an increasingly competitive marketplace.”