Business as usual at Infinity

The Mortgages plc group of companies has a minority shareholding in Infinity Mortgages and presently acts as funder for Infinity Mortgages’ completions.

Matt Gilmour, Chief Executive of Infinity Mortgages said: “We have enjoyed an extremely strong relationship with the Mortgages plc management team over the exciting period during which we have built Infinity. We have no reason to doubt that this relationship will not continue throughout Mortgages plc’s sale negotiations and beyond. As far as Infinity Mortgages is concerned, it is very much ‘business as usual’.”

“We have always respected and understood the motivations of Nikko Principal Investments Limited in making its investment in Mortgages plc, and it was anticipated that the ownership of Mortgages plc would at some point change. One of the major benefits that Infinity has is that it is, and shall remain, independently controlled by its management team yet benefiting from the expertise and backing from an institutional shareholder.”