BM may turn accuracy tables on sourcing systems

The HBOS subsidiary said that because all KFIs produced via its intermediary website were guaranteed as completely accurate it may charge for providing the same service to the major sourcing systems.

Matt Grayson, head of public relations at BM Solutions, said: “We are certainly checking out the possibility of charging the systems a fee for this work. I must stress this is still in the early stages of development but we think it might be feasible.”

Sourcing systems Trigold and Mortgage Brain would not be drawn on whether they would be prepared to pay for BM Solutions to verify their information.

Bill Safran, joint managing director of Trigold, said: “I would like to wait until I have heard from BM myself before commenting on this. However most lenders realise that there is a competitive advantage to be gained by flagging your products as verified on our sourcing system. This is why we have provided a facility for them to do this.”

Mark Lofthouse, CEO of Mortgage Brain, said: “I don’t have a comment regarding this at the moment.”

He did however say that there may be a charge for lenders who wished to integrate their KFIs with Mortgage Brain’s sourcing system.