Barnetts invest further £500,000 in ICT

The law firm, which is due to move into its new £3 million conveyancing headquarters based at Kew Commerce Park in Southport, has looked to the US for the latest ICT developments and acquired 150 Wyse ‘Winterm’ terminals from Axcess Systems, giving the firm the edge that will continue to help Barnetts deliver a fast service.

Over the past two year Barnetts’ investment in ICT has totalled £2 million. James Whelan director of ICT commented on the need for firms to procure the best in ICT. He said: “The Winterms will allow us to host our applications and data centrally on servers like the old days of mainframes and green screen terminals. But nowadays we can run modern Web and Windows based applications from the Winterms, which is a more secure, manageable and reliable than having data and applications reside on PCs spread throughout the organisation.

The firm has also switched all its operational software to ProClaim from the Chase Case Management. The move onto ProClaim will increase the firm’s with employees spending up to 50% less time managing and maintaining files.