AToM launches 100 per cent exclusive

This product is a 3-year stepped discount with a headline rate of 5.74% and is available up to 100% Loan-to-value. With no MIG charged this is the perfect product to help first time buyers get that all important foot onto the property ladder.

Product details

The product is discounted by 1.5% in year 1, 1.4% in year 2 and 1.3% in year 3, giving a starting pay rate of just 5.74%.

No extended redemption penalties after the discounted period.

CCJs over 3 years old are ignored

Enhanced income multipliers - 3.75 + 1 or 3.25 x joint

Applicants can repay up to 10% of the outstanding mortgage balance in any financial year without penalty.

Offered in house.

Proc fee of 0.75%

This product is available exclusively to PMPA/MDC members.