AToM announces a “no hassle - high reward” alternative to joining a network

AToM will pay 65% of the lenders recommended procuration fee to introducers for ‘effecting an introduction’ which subsequently completes. This opens up another dimension for those considering the potentially substantial impact of costs, compliance skill, and control to their business and which would apply if they become an AR with a single Principal.

Vic Jannels, Group Managing Director of AToM says: “There are many organisations for which mortgages may not be the core business. There are those where they are, but who prefer to concentrate sale generation rather than compliance. For both, this offering makes great sense. The payment of 65% of the lenders standard fee is good reward and will compete with many networks, even though on our offering the broker has little or no work to do!”

“This is a no hassle, high reward solution, where the intermediary effects the introduction, and AToM deals with regulation and the costs. Intermediaries can use the service as often or as little as they like and will not be tied down to monthly fees. There are no minimum business levels, or particular deal types. How many networks will allow you that kind of freedom?”

AToM is a recognised packager and is a founder member of Professional Mortgage Packagers Associates (PMPA) the professional packager group. In addition to the standard packager offering through AToM express they also operate The Branded Lender (in-house offers for six lenders) – a Satellite Packaging facility – A Mortgage Club and a Specialist Intermediary Consultancy service.