Access FS launches exclusive tie-up with Vitality

The partnership aims to train brokers who are inexperienced in the protection space

Access FS launches exclusive tie-up with Vitality

Mortgage and protection broker Access Financial Services has agreed an exclusive tie-up with Vitality to strengthen its training of brokers who are inexperienced in the protection space.

This will form part of Access’s academy that trains brokers to become quality advisers and high-income earners. The arrangement with Vitality covers the whole suite of protection products including life assurance, critical illness, income protection, and private medical insurance.

Access FS runs several academies throughout the year to help bring new mortgage and protection advisers into the industry.

All new advisers will receive training for a 12-month period and can then choose to broaden out and choose the whole of market route when they feel confident to do so.

Advisers on the exclusive tie route will get slightly higher commission rates, to help them recognise the value of protection products for their clients.

“At Access FS, we are working hard both to increase the number of protection advisers and also to intensify the level and depth of training they receive. This exclusive tie with Vitality provides us with the opportunity to ensure our advisers really understand what they are advising on in depth,” Karl Wilkinson (pictured), chief executive at Access Financial Services, said.

“Vitality is a fabulous partner to have in this respect as they are hugely supportive of trainee advisers, and their protection proposition offers the broadest and most comprehensive range of products in the market.”

Justin Garbutt, UK distribution director at Vitality said they were delighted to have Access FS as a member of their fast-growing exclusive associate channel.

“They are a company that truly believes in the value of protection and is taking proactive measures to close the protection gap. Their approach to training new people is really refreshing and shows their dedication to ensuring their clients always get best advice,” Garbutt added.

“It will be a real pleasure to work with Karl and the team to help them to develop both new and existing mortgage and protection advisers.”