45pc rely on home for retirement

People who have paid off mortgages are less likely to rely on their property for retirement it said.

The study showed 42% of those aged 45-plus paying off mortgages regarded their property equity as part of their retirement income plan compared with 25% of those who paid off their mortgage.

More 2 Life said it believed the study pointed to a growing acceptance that wealth built up in property could be used to supplement retirement income.

This would be a positive sign for the equity release market it said.

Jon King, managing director of More 2 Life, said: “There is a shift in attitudes to with those who have mortgages realising that their property wealth should play a major role in retirement income.

“On the face of it conditions for growth in the equity release market are perfect with a change in attitudes as well as factors such as rising longevity meaning people will need income to last longer if they want a comfortable retirement.

“However the industry needs to innovate and make its solutions more flexible and relevant for customers and adapting to changes in lifestyle.”