360 Dotnet has developed a tool within its 360 Lifecycle system, aimed at changing the way intermediaries access and analyse data.

360 Dotnet has developed a tool within its 360 Lifecycle practice management system, aimed at changing the way intermediaries access and analyse data, and making Gabriel reporting simpler.
The new functionality enables advisers to access and manage all data fields within their business to produce reports in seconds.
360 Lifecycle clients will be able to see exactly what their earnings are and break this down by product, sub-product, lender and customer type.
This will enable them to source the data needed to produce Gabriel reports for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) quickly and easily.
The tool can also be used for any and all business reporting and analysis; it enables platform users to see exactly how much business has been transacted and detail the commission payable by intermediary, office or business whole and break this down by the month, week or day of the year.
360 Lifecycle clients will be able to customise reports to include any of the 200+ data fields on the system and cross-reference these with any other fields.
Ozgur Unlu, managing director of 360 Dotnet, said: “We understand that our mortgage advisers would much rather be helping their clients to get the right mortgage advice than producing reports and we want to help them do just that.
"This new tool empowers intermediaries to see exactly what is happening with their business at any time and will make Gabriel reporting much easier.
“We are committed to continually improving and investing in our software to free up our adviser partners to maintain their valued client relationships, grow their revenues and run their businesses efficiently across all channels.”