more 2 life breaks through the £2bn loan mark

Equity release lendermore 2 life, has has more than £2bn worth of loans under management – doubling its total loan size in a year.

more 2 life breaks through the £2bn loan mark

Equity release lendermore 2 life, has has more than £2bn worth of loans under management – doubling its total loan size in a year.

Just over 12 months after reaching the major milestone of £1bn worth of loans managed in July 2017, something which was 10 years in the making, the business has reached £2bn worth of equity release loans.

Dave Harris, chief executive at more 2 life, said: “Having reached the £1bbn mark last year we set our targets high for 2018.

“To have £2bn worth of loans under management, just over 12 months after reaching the £1bn is a phenomenal achievement even in the current growing market and has been achieved through a combination of new lending plus the acquisition of back-books we are now servicing on behalf of third parties.

“We are committed to innovation and will continue to develop new products and offer access to enhanced technologies to provide a high quality level of products and support advisers.

“With this in mind we have recently launched capital choice drawdown, which adds additional features to our popular capital choice plan and refreshed our adviser portal aptly called ‘fastpath’ to further assist advisers and widen the product choice for clients.”