Zoopla's Valuation Tool is powered by Hometrack.

Zoopla has launched the Zoopla Valuation Tool which is set to deliver valuation leads directly to agents.
The online widget can be integrated directly onto an agent’s website using its logo and company branding.
The tool is designed to capture key contact information from potential sellers and landlords as leads, before providing a free estimated sales and lettings valuation range for their property.
Once the seller or landlord fills out an online form, the lead is automatically delivered to an agent's CRM system or mailbox.
By providing a price range for sale and rent, the seller or landlord is encouraged to contact the agent directly for an accurate valuation, based on the agent’s knowledge of their local market.
Powered by Hometrack, the tool provides estimates extracted from the same data used by many of the UK’s mortgage lenders.
Andy Marshall, chief commercial officer at Zoopla, said: “We’re excited to launch the new Zoopla Valuation Tool.
"By empowering agents to provide this service on their websites they can champion their online branding and local market expertise, whilst generating all-important valuation leads.
“The Zoopla Valuation Tool is designed to introduce an agent to a potential seller or landlord and translate their initial interest into high-quality leads.
Critically, the tool generates a house price range, which encourages consumers to engage with an agent, leaving room for them to incorporate their in-depth and local market expertise to calculate a more specific house price valuation across both the sales and lettings landscape.”