Countrywide’s top achievers recognised

Over 160 awards were up for grabs, recognising individual and team performances across Countrywide's estate and lettings agency branches and its Land and New Homes division.

Top achievers from Countrywide Residential Lettings attended a ceremony at Whittlebury Hall Hotel in Northamptonshire, whilst Countrywide's finest within the estate agency, land and new homes and mortgage services divisions celebrated at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales.

Robert Scarff, managing director of Countrywide Estate Agents, presented the estate agency winners with specially-designed trophies to commemorate their success, including a number of exclusive trophies awarded to the best national 'Champions' in their field.

Scarff said: “I am delighted to recognise the talent of our estate agents, mortgage consultants and land and new homes employees at these prestigious annual awards. The success of the estate agency division is thanks to the dedication and commitment of our 5,000 estate agency staff, who work very hard to achieve great results.

“These awards come off the back of the significant investment we have made in a customer focussed employee programme called ‘Hearts & Minds’, to continually improve our service and ensure our approach and methods of communication are aligned with our customers. Huge congratulations should also go to those who were shortlisted for an award. ”

Nick Dunning, group commercial director of Countrywide Residential Lettings, presented the awards to the lettings agency winners.

Dunning said: “Countrywide Residential Lettings division is the most profitable division within the Group. We now manage 65,000 properties throughout England, Scotland and Wales, and continue to make ongoing investment to support growth both through organic openings and value enhancing acquisitions. In 2014, we capitalised on the growth of the UK rental market and significantly increased our regional footprint by investing £40 million in acquiring 29 lettings businesses, which is the equivalent of over two businesses a month.

“It is our fantastic people who make the difference to the success of our business and without them we wouldn’t be where we are today. It is wonderful to be able to recognise the outstanding performance of our top achievers and I would also like to congratulate those who were nominated for an award.”