Average homeowner moves once every 19 years

This number has risen since the once every 13 years reported in 2006.

Average homeowner moves once every 19 years

The average homeowner is moving once every 19 years, according to research from the Intermediary Lenders Association.

In its white paper The new normal – prospects for 2017: Is the march back to a sustainable market on track? IMLA noted how this number has risen since the once every 13 years predicted in 2006.

This comes as Alok Sharma has been appointed as the new Housing Minister.

Peter Williams, executive director of IMLA, said: “Events of the last week have clearly left a lot of issues on the agenda for the government to tackle.

“With talk turning to the need for cross-party agreement and a common approach to negotiating Brexit; it would surely make sense to adopt a similar consensual, non-partisan approach to determining housing policy to put the UK property market on a more stable footing for the long term.”