Steve Harness

Responding to negative coverage of seconds

That level playing-field I talked about earlier was certainly not there within this article.

Responding to negative coverage of seconds

December more important than in previous years

Let’s be honest, 2016 has been no ordinary year.

Brokers should change strategy to trump big banks on product transfers

Dark clouds on the horizon

So how do you trump the big banks? Simply focus your energy on your clients and show them it’s you who cares most about their finances.

The ‘fee genie’ is well and truly out of the bottle

It’s time to grasp the nettle and be frank about the fees charged to clients by master brokers.

Time to look at seconds fees

The answer has to be that we grasp the nettle, and change our fee structure.

DAs and second charge

DAs and second charge

DA firms in particular have the best of all worlds in that they are able to choose their partnerships from the entire market.

Time to get your head around second charge