An impressive 94% of employees surveyed said they were satisfied by their companies’ efforts to foster diversity. The programs offered by Top Mortgage Workplaces focus on recruiting the next generation, women, individuals looking for work-life balance, minorities and disabled individuals. Several companies rely on partnerships with universities and employee referral programs to aid in their efforts to recruit a diverse workforce. Others mentioned technology, social media, mentorship and equal opportunity hiring practices as ways to broaden their work base.

“We offer education programs that are not limited to job-specific competencies and mentorship programs for people in all roles to advance their careers and knowledge through shadowing senior leadership,” one Top Mortgage Workplace reported. “We are also actively engaged in the New Comers’ Program and Toronto Schools Program, through which we offer internships to people of varied backgrounds and identities. Thus far, 100% of our interns have been offered positions with the organization.”

Another Top Mortgage Workplace emphasized its dedication to technology as a way to attract employees: “Our recruitment is geared towards the tech-savvy, and we are an equal opportunity employer and comprised of over 70% non-white agents.”

Finally, some companies explained that while they don’t have formal diversity programs in place, they hire and promote based on merit only, allowing the same opportunities for people of all backgrounds. 

What’s the average gender balance at Top Mortgage Workplaces?
Male: 51%
Female: 49%

Does your organization offer programs aimed at recruiting and/or retaining younger workers?
10 to 25 employees:
Yes: 66%
No:  40%
26 to 100 employees:
Yes: 57%
No:  6043
101 to 500 employees: 
Yes: 71%
No:  29%
500+ employees:
Yes: 100%
No:  0%

Does your organization offer any programs aimed at recruiting and/or retaining women, individuals from minority groups, persons with disabilities and/or LGBTQ individuals?
10 to 25 employees:
Yes: 40%
No:  60%
26 to 100 employees:
Yes: 29%
No:  71%
101 to 500 employees:
Yes: 43%
No:  57%
500+ employees:
Yes: 100%
No:  0%