Mortgage’s top advisers in New Zealand for 2023 - revealed

Winners recognised for expert knowledge, strong customer service orientation, and soft skills

Mortgage’s top advisers in New Zealand for 2023 - revealed

New Zealand Adviser (NZA) has announced the top advisers of 2023, professionals in the broking industry whose expertise, customer-first approach, and boundless energy have propelled them to the top.

This year’s winners have excelled across various areas, according to Financial Advice New Zealand CEO and industry expert Katrina Shanks:

  • expert knowledge;
  • strong customer service orientation; and
  • soft skills, such as empathy and compassion.


NZA identified the top advisers of 2023 by calling for nominations on its website. The nominees had to provide their contact details and the total value of residential loans they settled from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023. They also provided the names and contact details of their aggregator.

The NZA team contacted the aggregators for verification as part of the ranking process, with only fully verified figures accepted for the final ranking.

To be eligible, the nominees must have settled a minimum of $50 million in total residential loans. After reviewing the nominations, the NZA team selected 57 top performers for this year’s list of winners. The list considered residential loans, with the advisers ranked in order of the highest value of residential loans settled within the specified period.

Best mortgage advisers

Some of the winners this year are:

You can read more about their individual stories by clicking on the links above, or see the rest of the winners and why they stand out by reading the NZA Top Advisers 2023 special report.