The search is on to find Australia’s best aggregators

Brokers invited to help decide the best of the best for Brokers on Aggregators 2023

The search is on to find Australia’s best aggregators

MPA’s Brokers on Aggregators 2023 is asking brokers to provide feedback on their favourite aggregators.

The report will give brokers a clear view of how their aggregator compares to the competition and reveal the top-performing aggregators over the past 12 months. It covers key service areas, including BDM support, communication with brokers and quality of lending panel, providing insights into what brokers value most in an aggregator.

MPA is proud to partner with One Tree Planted and champion reforestation as an integral part of our business model. For every response to the survey, a tree will be planted as part of our commitment to sustainability.

The 23.03 edition Aggregators survey closes on 14 April and the full report will be published in the 23.03  edition of MPA magazine and online in July.

Access the online survey here.