Finsure promotes equality with NZ initiative

Promoting equality and inclusion

Finsure promotes equality with NZ initiative

Trans-Tasman aggregation business, Finsure Group has launched its Women in Finsure initiative in New Zealand to promote equality, opportunity, diversity, and inclusion within the adviser industry.

Successful launch event

The women’s adviser platform was officially launched at a sold-out event at Auckland’s Soul Bar, hosted by Finsure’s NZ Country Manager Jenny Campbell.

Key attendees included Fatima Dib, Finsure’s head of business innovation, and Noushig Megerditchian, Northern Region head of sales and Women in Finsure chair.

“I am very excited to be establishing a New Zealand branch of the Women in Finsure program,” Campbell said.

She highlighted the strategic importance of diversity, stating: “A diverse workforce leads to better decision-making, greater innovation, and better service for a diverse client base.”

Supporting female advisers

In Australia, the initiative has significantly increased female adviser recruitment, aiming for gender parity.

“Women in Finsure NZ is committed to educating and supporting those in our network looking to develop both personally and professionally,” Campbell said.

Upcoming retreat

The NZ branch, which launched late last year, is planning a retreat in August at Byron Bay, offering further support and development opportunities for advisers.

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