The change simplifies the mortgage process for Ratehub's clients, company officials say

Canadian mortgage firm Ratehub Inc. has announced that its in-house brokerage will rebrand from “CanWise Financial” to “”.
Moving forward, will represent the lender marketplace and the brokerage, while CanWise will represent the lender, the company said.
“When customers are ready to apply for a mortgage, they use comparison tables to choose their mortgage provider and rate preference and continue through’s digital mortgage application. The only difference now is that’s in-house mortgage specialists will identify themselves with, not CanWise Financial,” the company added.
Read more: Ratehub on the impact of BoC’s likely half-point rate hike
Alyssa Furtado, co-CEO of Ratehub, said that the brand will continue to respond to the ever-evolving needs of the marketplace.
“ is a place where you can actually get your mortgage, not just compare rates,” Furtado said. “This change supports our mission of providing the best user experience from online search through to mortgage close.”
“It can be confusing for our customers to start on, and then speak to CanWise Financial (the brokerage) about different lending options including CanWise (the lender),” added co-CEO James Laird. “This change will simplify the customer experience with representing comparison and lender selection, and CanWise being one of the lending options in the mortgage marketplace.”