The province is fast-tracking the development of nearly 1,500 social and affordable housing units

The governments of Canada and Quebec have announced a new $8.2 million investment in the development of social housing units for the Un Toit Juste Pour Elles project, a L’Inter-Elles initiative that aims to support women at risk of homelessness.
The investment comes as part of the Second Canada–Quebec Agreement under the Rapid Housing Initiative, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The agreement outlines investments totalling nearly $338 million across Quebec, allocated for the development of nearly 1,500 social and affordable housing units by the end of 2022.
Read more: Quebec housing – what’s the latest?
“Future tenants of [Un Toit Juste Pour Elles] could also benefit from additional housing assistance under the Société d’habitation du Québec’s (SHQ) Rent Supplement Program,” CMHC said. “This assistance, which could reach nearly $2.5 million over 20 years, will be assumed by the SHQ (90%) and the City of Quebec (10%).”
“To ensure access to these units, our government and the City of Quebec are also providing financial support for tenants who will be living there, so that they will only have to spend 25% of their income on housing,” added Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister responsible for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region.