Helping customers to pay off mortgages faster

Infinity Group Australia was co-founded by Graeme Holm – an excellence awardee in the 2023 Australian Mortgage Awards FBAA Broker of the Year – Residential category. Infinity Group CEO Boban Jurisic discusses how the brokerage assists clients to pay off their mortgages more quickly, generate wealth and help them achieve their financial goals. Jurisic also shares some key broker strategies, talks about the power of AI and what the future holds for the brokerage.

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Kylie Speer [00:00:05] Hello and welcome to MPA TV. I'm Kylie Speer and joining me today is Boban Jurisic, CEO at Infinity Group Australia. Infinity Group's Graeme Holm is an excellence awardee in MPA's Top Brokers of the Year, Residential for 2023. Welcome to you, Boban. And thank you so much for being here today. 

Boban Jurisic [00:00:27] Thank you very much, Kylie. It's an absolute pleasure. Thank you for having me. 

Kylie Speer [00:00:31] Well, firstly, Boban how do you assist clients to pay off their mortgages faster and create wealth for themselves? 

Boban Jurisic [00:00:40] So yeah, it's a really good question, Kylie, the way we do it is through a number of educational programs that we have on offer here. So Graham does a number of different things where we invite clients to free webinars, we have master classes, we have real estate mastery events, etc. So we help our clients well, firstly, we hope to educate them on their finances, and then we help them whether it's a refinance, cash out whatever it might be, we take a holistic approach to all of our client's financial needs, and then we take it from there effectively. So it's worked really well for us. It has been around for about 12 years. And we're, like I said, we're very humbled for the Broker of the Year Award, etc., etc.  

Kylie Speer  [00:01:22] What changes in mindset do your fostering clients to help them achieve their financial goals? 

Boban Jurisic [00:01:28] Yeah, it's, it's a really, it's an it's an interesting one. The way the way we do it is, there's this, there's this common misconception, you know that offsets versus redraw work don't work or that kind of stuff. One of the things that we tend to tend to work with our clients on is the psychology around money. We also we always find out that, you know, if clients have additional money in their offset, they tend to spend that money. However, if you change the clients mindset that put all of their money in a redraw, that then allows them to pay off their homeland quicker, and just draw out money that they need for fuel, fine, etc. So, budgeting effectively is what we educate our clients on. And that allows them to pay off the mortgage quicker, given the fact that the way the Interest is calculated on a on a daily basis and charge monthly. So that works really well for us is that redraw versus offset conversation? Like I said, we educate our clients on you know, budgeting, and we manage all their all their finances from that. 

Kylie Speer [00:02:30] Boban, can you share with us some of the key strategies you've learned over the years to build your broker career? 

Boban Jurisic [00:02:37] Well, I've got a broker myself, but I can I can talk to some of the stuff that I've encountered over the years. So diversification is a big one. You need to be able to diversify. I mean, we've got six pillars in our business, everything from obviously, the brokerage all the way through to asset finance. Diversification is key. And also maintaining customer experience. You need to be able to get your clients back in time, just keeping a very high level of customer service, I find is the best way to keep your clients engaged. But like I said, diversification, taking that holistic approach, looking at clients, you know, whether it's mortgage, whether it's asset, finance, whatever it might be. It Yeah, it tends to work really well. So that that is the key, I think. 

Kylie Speer [00:03:26] How AI and other digital technology revolutionized broking? 

Boban Jurisic [00:03:32] So AI is, AI's a very interesting one, obviously, in its very early stages, especially in the finance industry, but we found was the way that we do our master classes, etc., we can use AI to our advantage. You know, who knows, someday? One day, we might even replace Graeme with AI, who knows right? What he's presenting to our clients. But technology by large has really sped up the process of change. It's, you know, if COVID if COVID taught us anything, is that technology is the way moving forward. I mean, we can get through a lot more clients these days, we can reach wider audiences. And you know, we're chatting on zoom right now, but the Zoom Zooms that amazing things for the industry. So technology has definitely played a massive part, whether it's a CRM system, whether it's reserved, whether it's AI, whatever it might be, it has definitely helped revolutionize the industry in a better way. 

Kylie Speer [00:04:34] And finally, Boban where do you see yourself in five years time? 

Boban Jurisic [00:04:39] Well as CEO within the group, there's a number of different design different goals that we want to hit, obviously, from a board level. But we you know, we want to take this business global grabbing one of the one of the greatest financial educators in the industry. It's gotten a lot of exposure over the last over the last few years. So one of the things that we really want to do is take that concept overseas, you know, Graeme's be on stage with some of the some of the biggest motivational speakers in the world, you know, talking to Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki. And so what we want to effectively do is potentially take that overseas and replicate that model. And see if we can get Graeme on a much bigger stage. I mean by my vision is to get Graeme on to a onto a live stage in Vegas, in front of 30,000 people. So that's, that's something that we're working towards, which is really exciting. 

Kylie Speer [00:05:29] That sounds amazing. Well, congratulations to Infinity Group once again. And thank you so much for your time today, Boban.  

Boban Jurisic [00:05:36] Thank you very much I appreciate it.  

Kylie Speer [00:05:38] And thank you, of course to our viewers for watching the latest episode of MPA TV. We look forward to seeing you again soon.