Nathan Vecchio

Four property research tools to impress your clients

These resources will help your clients learn more about their suburb, property value and rental vacancy rates

How do top brokers stay motivated?

With lending policy changes and the royal commission, how do you cut through the noise and grow your business?

Why escalating a deal is a complete waste of time

Brokers need to manage their clients' expectations appropriately so they don't end up overpromising and under delivering

Nine tools brokers can use to automate their businesses

"How long until our job as mortgage brokers becomes completely automated?"

Common mistakes brokers make when first starting out

Top Broker's Nathan Vecchio shares four common mistakes to avoid for new brokers

Next level networking in 8 steps

Top Broker's Nathan Vecchio shares his eight tips for making your next networking event a breeze

Four lessons learnt working for a bank

Top Broker's Nathan Vecchio reveals lessons learned during his days at a bank

Are you standing out as a broker?

Not sure what your unique selling point is? Top Broker's Nathan Vecchio explains how you can find out

Should you offer a fee in referral partnerships?

Top Broker talks referral partner fees and how to tell if the time is right to expand your team

4 web browser extensions you need to use

Nathan Vecchio walks through four handy web extensions to boost your day-to-day productivity