Michael Saadat

Are you concerned by ASIC's shadow shopping?

The leaders of three large brokerages explain how ASIC's shadow shopping will - or won't - affect their businesses

MPA's Hotlist 2017 - Part 1

MPA's Hotlist profiles the 30 brokers, bankers, regulators and other who've had the biggest influence on the industry in 2017

Aren't mortgage applications tough enough?

Banks are scrambling to make mortgage applications tougher, leaving brokers to pick up the pieces, writes MPA editor Sam Richardson

Regulatory spotlight now on brokers, says ASIC

Enforcement report also flags credit repair firms and lenders as due for more attention over the next six months

ASIC's Michael Saadat on the remuneration review

As brokers, lenders and consumers go head-to-head over ASIC’s remuneration review, the man behind it gives MPA editor Sam Richardson an insider’s view

This could transform the mortgage process

Comprehensive credit reporting is not new but has untapped potential to transform the mortgage process for brokers – but only if banks sign up

Banks’ commission change causes industry chaos

ASIC, MFAA and FBAA issue hurried responses to banks’ move away from percentage-based commission

Morning Briefing: Mortgage lending standards in regulator crosshairs

ASIC said yesterday it is looking at mortgage lending standards across the banking sector after taking civil court  proceedings against Westpac... More than 20% of borrowers are opting to fix their home loan, new data has revealed...

ASIC and brokers: Communication breakdown?

With 2016 set to be a year of regulation and inquiries, ASIC and brokers are struggling to see eye-to-eye. Industry bodies, experts and ASIC say what’s gone wrong, and how this relationship could be improved.

Morning Briefing: Chinese demand for apartments in capitals still high

A property marketing and services business' sales figures show Chinese demand for city apartments remains strong... Mortgage brokers urged to use common sense when it comes to interest-only loans...