Characteristics of Top Producing Loan Officers By Tim Davis

What makes a top-producing loan officer? Is it their system, their lead generation strategy, or is it something more?

What makes a top-producing loan officer? Is it their system, their lead generation strategy, or is it something more?

I am often asked by loan officers to give them the latest, greatest, and newest strategy that will propel them to the top of their industry.

What I have discovered is that there are hundreds of ways to generate business and it is not the strategy that works. It is the individual loan officers? characteristics PLUS the strategy (in action) that produces the results.

For example, if I am working with a loan officer who has little or no confidence, there is not a system, plan, or strategy that will put multiple loans in his or her pipeline. Therefore, it is not the 'system' that this loan officer needs, it is the confidence first, then the system.