HIP u-turn

The sooner HIPs are scrapped, the better. I never thought it would happen in the first place.

Who, in their right mind buying a property, would use the report prepared and paid for by the seller? It would be wide open to corruption, especially looking at some of the trainees and their backgrounds. An ex street clensing technician is one, who didn't like sweeping the streets? What on earth is this government up to?

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I will tell you, it is like the public service, they have doubled the employees for council offices over the last 10 years, thereby reducing the unemployment figures but, reducing the central government funding to each council, therefore we get huge increases on council tax bills to enable the local council to function, (albeit with poorer service all round, including refuse collection).

So far as I am concerned this HIP idea should be flushed down the loo, which lender do you know will lend money without having their own survey/valuation done by their own, trusted firms?

I am an independent mortgage broker, and advise my clients to get their own surveys done anyway, whether it be for mortgage purposes or not. So far as I can see, this is just another ploy to get some off of the dole queue. It's also a another angle for making EXTRA MoNEY out of the seller as well as the buyer.

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Bury it, like the old saying of those government ministers of this shocking government said about bad news a few years ago. Yet more stealth tax here I feel.

Chris Wiles, via email