Top producers claim this as GOSPEL

Master goal setting to boost productivity and achieve lifelong success

Top producers claim this as GOSPEL

JC (James Cash) Penney, the seventh of 12 children, saw his boyhood ambition of being a lawyer crushed after his father’s untimely death. Although forced to take a job as a store clerk to support the family, he never lost his productive, entrepreneurial outlook.

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I will give you a man who will make a history,” Penney said. “Give me a man without a goal and I will give you a stock clerk.”

Like the founder of the famous department-store chain, New American Funding has always believed in setting goals to improve productivity and achieve lifelong success.

To achieve these goals, we follow the loan GOSPEL (Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Priorities, Execution and Links).

Below, we explain each and share how they can work together to improve you and your team’s productivity.

Top Producers set both SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely) goals and BHAGs (Big Hugely Audacious Goals).

If you’ve found that achieving your SMART goals has become routine, set a BHAG to unchain that lending superstar you’ve kept locked up. “Not failure, but low aim, is a crime,” the poet James Russell Lowell warned us.

As an example, when Jeff Bezos was seeking to name his fledgling online book business, he chose “Amazon” because of its vast tributaries. He knew that to grow, he would have to rely on multiple revenue streams, not just a single source. As a lender, do the same and create several referral sources.

Use these sub-goals or mini-wins to refresh, reload, and reward yourself before renewing your journey with renewed purpose and passion to achieve your goal.
Winning strategies provide leaders with a 30,000-foot view, so they’ll never lose sight of the big picture.
Think of priorities as time-sensitive mile markers that you must achieve during your journey. Give them a deadline. Unlike Monday through Sunday, Some Day isn’t a day of the week.
Execution means working your plan, monitoring your progress, recalibrating, then forging ahead with new-found momentum.
To keep your productivity high, plug into energizing sources like books and seminars, as well as mentors who have traveled your path.


Do you want to be a lifetime clerk or a big-time producer? If the latter, New American Funding is ready to take that productive journey with you.


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