Uncertainty surrounds bank acquisition

Following its recent acquisition of Citizens Bank, First Merit Bank may be cutting jobs in its “re-branding” of their branches in Michigan and Wisconsin

Following its recent acquisition of Citizens Bank, First Merit Bank may be cutting jobs in its “re-branding” of their branches in Michigan and Wisconsin.

FirstMerit announced today they are entered a “new phase” of integration of “re-branding” all of Citizens’ branches in Michigan and Wisconsin but didn’t disclose whether or not that meant changing its workforce, even after several requests for comment.

In an interview by MLive-Flint Journal in April, however, FirstMerit’s CEO Sandy Pierce claimed that “the majority of positions at Citizens are remaining in place,” following the acquisition and that the “adjustments” would not be disclosed.

Comments left on the MLive story by Michigan residents reflected that “hundreds” of employees have already lost their jobs at the downtown Flint, Michigan location, where over 600 employees worked.